Background Contrast
Making sure that the Brand registers and has impact is not just a function of its size or color. The background upon which it’s placed also plays a role. Having enough contrast between the University Brand Mark and the background is important.
Light Backgrounds
On white or light backgrounds, the University Brand Mark should be printed in Baylor Green.
When a limited color palette prevents this, the University Brand Mark may be printed in black on white or reversed to white on a solid color background.
Medium Backgrounds
On backgrounds of medium value, you may print in Baylor Green or reverse to white, depending on the contrast. Again, the goal is to make sure the University Brand Mark stands out.
Dark Backgrounds
On dark backgrounds, the preferred setup allows the BU to be displayed in University Gold, with the Baylor University wordmark reversed to white.
NOTE: This option applies to dark backgrounds only. You also may print the entire University Brand Mark in University Gold or reverse it to white, making sure there is sufficient contrast with the background.