Official Brand Signatures
When communicating on behalf of our University, a specific school, college, division, department or office – often simultaneously – the combination of names can present a challenge. An organized system is important to guide these combinations.
Baylor’s Official Brand Signatures provide a simplified hierarchy to enable consistent branding for all entities across campus. All schools, colleges, centers, institutes and administrative units will have their pre-configured Official Signature aligned with the University Brand Mark. Schools, colleges and divisions will occupy the top/primary position immediately below the Brand Mark. Where applicable, departments and offices will be placed underneath.
Together, the Brand Mark and the accompanying Signature create a “lockup” that ensures consistency for every entity, every message, across every piece of communication. The easy-to-register-at-a-glance hierarchy works across multiple levels and is offered in two configurations – horizontal and stacked. An Official Brand Signature may be used in place of the University Brand Mark.
School, College & Division Level
Department and Office Level
Download Official Brand Signatures
Official downloads for schools, colleges and divisions are available in the Brand Toolbox and are organized within "Academic" or "Administrative" folders.
Download Official Brand Signatures
Request a Brand Signature
If you can not find your Brand Signature in the Brand Toolbox one may be requested. If your school, college or division has a marketing or communications director or coordinator, please work through them. If not, please email your request to and include your office or department’s full official name along with the school, college or division it falls under.
Note: As is the case with the University Brand Mark, Official Brand Signatures may not be reconstructed or altered in any way. Their consistent use helps both define and refine the Baylor Brand Identity. Likewise, the design/creation and/or external use of unique logos for individual schools/colleges/departments/units are prohibited.