Helpful Do's & Don'ts
Navigating a brand like ours ‒ in all of its applications, across multiple entities, in several different mediums, directed to so many diverse audiences ‒ requires clear, concise guidelines.
We have a unified Brand Identity that represents our University to the world. The University Brand Mark, made up of the interlocking BU and the University wordmark, is the centerpiece. Everything is designed to flow from it. Every application is designed to align with it. And every piece of communication is strengthened through its consistent use.
As you prepare to communicate on behalf of Baylor, ask yourself: “Is this consistent with the way the brand should be experienced?” If you’re unsure, stop and ask.
In the meantime, here are some helpful “Dos and Don’ts.”
DO incorporate the University Brand Mark in all University communications in accordance with University Brand Standards.
DO use the Official Brand Colors, being careful to match accordingly to different printing results on different papers or other mediums.
DO make sure that the University Brand Mark is displayed at a size and positioned in a location that ensures it’s both visible and legible.
DO download the University Brand Mark pre-configured and ready for implementation from the Brand Toolbox.
DO download and apply the pre-configured Official Brand Signature that represents your specific school, college, division, department, office, institute or entity.
DO use the Official Return Address setup on all envelopes, mailing labels and self-mailing pieces.
DO follow the guides for proper display of the University Brand Mark on various backgrounds.
DO explore the design color options available to add variety and impact to your communications.
DON’T alter the University Brand Mark in any way.
DON’T try to recreate the interlocking BU or wordmark, as they form a customized registered brand that cannot be duplicated with ordinary type.
DON’T change the proportions, skew, stretch, rotate, crop, blur, screen back or in any other way distort the appearance of the University Brand Mark.
DON’T try to incorporate or combine the University Brand Mark or any of its parts with any other mark, symbol or graphic.
DON’T rotate or render the University Brand Mark or any of the aligned Official Brand Signatures three-dimensionally.
DON’T add words, images or any other elements to the University Brand Mark beyond those designated in the Official Brand Signatures.
DON’T modify the size or position relationship of any element within the Official Brand Signatures.
DON’T alter the Official Brand Colors.
DON’T hesitate to reach out with any questions or issues. Contact Baylor’s Division of Marketing and Communications ( We’re glad to help.